
The Baby Room

(6 weeks to 16 month) Ratio – 1:3


Our baby room is a warm, cosy and homely environment for the smallest members of our nursery, our babies who are yet to be up on their feet have an area where they can relax and have a cuddle with staff on the sofa and another area in the room where babies who are starting to crawl or walk can explore around the room and in the different areas. We follow individual routines which meet each childs needs and make the transition from home to nursery as smooth as possible. We also provide you with a diary with information on your child’s day, this includes feeding, changing and sleeping routines and also a little paragraph about their what they have been doing whilst at nursery, we find this is a good communication tool between home and nursery.  We also have a little grassed balcony outside which is lovely for picnics, playing and having easy access to some fresh air.

Duckling Room

(16 – 24 months) Ratio – 1:3


The duckling room is still a warm and cosy place but has many more age appropriate and exciting activities and areas, such as sand, water, paint etc and these are provided throughout the day. This room is adapted to cater for your child starting to grow in independence & develop new skills. This room is also provided with a grassed balcony which is great fresh air outdoors! As the children begin to explore more they are more eager to participate in all these fun activities. 


In this room our nursery staff carry out a developmental progress report which is an EYFS requirement for children at the age of 2 years old. The ducklings room also have our diary system so parents can see what they having been up to during their time at nursery.  

Cygnet Room

(2 – 3 years) Ratio 1:4


The cygnet room is very exciting and the children have lots of energy! We try to encourage the children to use their own independance with eating, sleeping and hygiene, we have toilets easily accessible through this room as we have many children who begin toilet/potty training and our staff will be on hand to help each child reach their full potential.   The Cygnet room is a large space for children to explore the different areas, we even have a large sensory room with lots of lights, materials and sensory toys to explore.  This room is full of challenging and fun activities with specific areas for your children to explore. 

Pre-School Room

(3 – 5 years) Ratio – 1:8


The Pre-School room aims to get the children ready for school, continuing to encourage the childs independence and promote their social interaction, we talk about mini themes and learn about events and festivals coming up. We plan for the children’s development using the different areas of the EYFS and also the children participate in small group time activities with their key worker. 


The pre-school room has an outdoor area with a canopy so it can be used in all weathers. 








Weeks a Year